
Exam 6501: PROPCASE Certified Property Agent (PCCPA)

PCCPA is designed in order to prepare the career starters or who wish to take its certification to grow more in the field of RE in Pakistan. The contents of the course is based on the research and strategic recommendations of the authentic institutions.

PCCPA Benefits 

In-depth understanding of LAS , property rights and transfer procedures, factors affecting property prices and its trends over time, RE investment skills, investment theoretical framework, Analysis & Methodology to purchase a property, Validation of RE knowledge & skills.

Course Outline

Semester-1: Introduction to Land Administration System, Fundamentals of Records of Rights, Sale  Purchase of properties, Inheritance & Gifts, Transformation of Property Rights, Preemption, Tenants, Easement  Rights, Leases, Licenses, Land Reforms in Pakistan

Semester-2: The Economics of cities of Pakistan, Supply & Demand of RE market, RE Cycles, Pricing Characteristics of properties, Fundamentals of Finance & Property Valuation, Mortgages, RE investments, RE sustainability 

Estimated Duration: 100 Hours 

Fee Structure:  PKR. 35,000/-


Exam 6502: PROPCASE Certified Property Specialist  (PCCPS)

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Exam 6503: PROPCASE Certified Property Manager (PCCPM)

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Exam 6504: PROPCASE Certified Property Consultant (PCCPC)

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